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Top 6 Medicare Questions Answered by Experts

December 6, 2023 | Health insurance


Medicare, a vital healthcare program for seniors and eligible individuals, offers a multitude of benefits. However, it can also raise numerous questions for many. Most individuals, especially those approaching the age of eligibility, often have Medicare questions regarding enrollment, costs, coverage, and more. 

In this article, we turn to experts to provide clarity on the top six critical aspects of Medicare. Whether you’re curious about the optimal time to enroll or the extent of coverage provided, this article will address your concerns, making your journey through the Medicare landscape more manageable and less daunting.

1. When Do I Enroll In A Medicare Plan?

You can register for a Medicare plan during your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP), which initiates when you first become eligible for Medicare. This period usually spans three months before your 65th birthday, covers the month of your 65th birthday, and lasts for an additional three months after your birthday month. Within your IEP, you can choose from the following options:

  1. Signing up for Original Medicare, which includes Part A and Part B.
  2. Opting to delay your enrollment in Medicare Part B if you have credible health coverage through your current employer.
  3. Enrolling in a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan.
  4. Joining a Medicare Part D prescription drug program.

It’s important to enroll during your IEP to avoid late enrollment penalties, as delaying enrollment can result in higher costs for your Medicare coverage.

In addition to the Initial Enrollment Period, there are other enrollment periods, such as the General Enrollment Period and Special Enrollment Periods, for specific situations. It’s essential to understand these enrollment periods to make informed decisions about your Medicare coverage.

2. What Costs are Associated with Premiums, Deductibles, Doctor Appointments, and Hospital Admissions?

When relying on Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) for your healthcare coverage, the costs associated with premiums, deductibles, doctor appointments, and hospital admissions typically include the following:

  • Routine vision care — Coverage for eye exams, eyeglasses, and contact lenses.
  • Coverage for hearing aids — Help with the costs of hearing aids and related services.
  • Routine dental care — Coverage for preventive dental services, such as cleanings, X-rays, and basic dental procedures.
  • Wellness programs — Some plans may offer wellness programs, fitness benefits, and access to gym memberships.
  • Telehealth services — The option to receive medical services remotely through virtual visits.

4. Can I Select My Preferred Doctors and Hospitals?


Yes, in most cases, you can select your preferred doctors and hospitals when you have Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). Original Medicare allows you the flexibility to see any healthcare provider, doctor, or specialist who accepts Medicare patients. This means you can choose your preferred healthcare professionals and visit any hospital or facility that participates in the Medicare program.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that while Original Medicare provides this flexibility, your out-of-pocket costs may vary depending on whether the healthcare provider you choose participates in Medicare and accepts Medicare’s approved payment rates. Additionally, some healthcare providers may require you to pay the Medicare deductible or coinsurance amounts.

5. Can I Make Changes to My Medicare Plan?

Yes, you can make modifications to your Medicare plan during two specific enrollment periods: the Annual Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, which is conducted from January 1 to March 31 annually, and the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), which is from October 15 through December 7 each year. During these periods, you have the opportunity to join, switch, or drop a Medicare Advantage or Medicare Prescription Drug plan. Changes made during these enrollment periods will generally take effect on the following January 1.

6. Does Medicare Cover 100% of My Medical Bills?

Medicare does not cover 100% of your medical bills. Like most health insurance, it involves out-of-pocket costs, including copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. Medicare consists of Part A and Part B, with various cost-sharing components. Part A has deductibles and copayments for hospital and skilled nursing facility stays. Part B generally covers 80% of outpatient care costs after a yearly deductible. 

Medicare Part D, for prescription drugs, is optional but crucial for medication coverage. While Original Medicare has no out-of-pocket maximum, some Medicare Supplement plans can help cover these costs. These standardized plans offer various levels of coverage, including Part A and Part B coinsurance, deductibles, and more.

Final Thoughts on Medicare Questions

These six Medicare questions are vital for anyone navigating the complexities of Medicare enrollment and coverage. Understanding the enrollment periods, costs, benefits, and the flexibility to choose preferred healthcare providers is crucial. It’s essential to be aware that Medicare does not cover all medical expenses, so exploring supplemental plans can help supply the gaps in your healthcare coverage and provide peace of mind.

If you need assistance finding the plan that suits your Medicare needs, contact us at AHG Brokers. We’re here to help you explore your healthcare options and make informed decisions. Be sure to reach out for expert guidance.

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